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Link building checklist

New Member

Link building checklist:
1. Replicate your competitors’ links
2. Reclaim lost links
3. Pursue unlinked mentions
4. Publish guest posts
5. Pitch resource pages
6. Find people linking to inferior content
7. Tell more people about your content

Topic starter Posted : 14/06/2022 6:01 am
New Member
Here is the checklist for starting a new link building project.
Current Backlink Profile Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Fresh Mentions
Build Your Outreach
Find Relevant Websites
Setting Goals
Content Audit
Build a List of Target Sites
Posted : 14/07/2022 3:20 am
New Member
  • More depth study of Brocken link building
  • Checking Spam score
  • Finding the relevancy of links
  • Dofollow/Nofollow Links
Posted : 30/09/2022 4:20 am
New Member

Very good checklist actually! Good job!

Posted : 17/10/2022 9:08 am
New Member

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This post was modified 1 year ago by Anonymous
Posted : 30/06/2023 3:08 am