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how to earn with facebook?

New Member

Is that so easy to make money online, i ve tried many times, but i lose the trust every time. Can anybody help me getting a reliable program that can help me making money online?

Topic starter Posted : 27/10/2009 1:00 pm
New Member

Re: how to earn with facebook?

There is no easy way to make money, online or offline. If it was that easy then everyone would do it. But it takes a lot of effort, research, practice and time. Here is how you can make money on Facebook, though. You can use Facebook Ads to advertise an affiliate product that is relevant to Facebook users. You will have to pay everytime someone clicks on the ad, but you will be paid everytime they buy something. If you're getting paid more than you're paying, you're making money. If not, try a different product.

Posted : 27/10/2009 6:57 pm
New Member

Re: how to earn with facebook?

I agree with what you ve stated. At present im in second state. Im searching for the way that would help me. Actually im trying to sign up with a affiliate network, now the problem is i feel it is not easy to get registered sooner.
Moreover they aren't allowing the fresh publisher to access all the offers. Then how he will learn which offer is goin well.
He is limited to particular offers. Is there any better solution to get some well goin offers in the Affiliate marketing industry.
My friend Suggested me a program that is offering the best offers in AM industry, Im little scared about joining, im going on with the trial of this program . Do you anything about this? Have any suggestion , pls post
Thanks 🙂

Topic starter Posted : 29/10/2009 11:52 am
New Member

Re: how to earn with facebook?

The trial of is nice but they are not allowing to access the offers. The lessons are real good and teaches all the tricks and tacts to select the product. Im gonna sign up for the account!!!!!

Topic starter Posted : 06/11/2009 11:58 am
New Member

Re: how to earn with facebook?

oh , i ve to pay for the account 🙁 i ve to think on. But we people never think twice if its free(of course - 99.99% are scam), we will never consider it if it requires any payment(50% are real good)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Topic starter Posted : 07/11/2009 1:38 pm
New Member

Re: how to earn with facebook?

has anyone tried ebay?

Posted : 12/11/2009 8:02 am
New Member

Re: how to earn with facebook?


Facebook is insanely huge. With over 200 MILLION active users each month, you can be sure that there are more than enough people there to make you money. One of the best things about Facebook is that they allow regular users to host content on their site in the form of ‘applications’; Quizzes, g***s, Simple RPGs, things of these nature…

Have a nice time ahead....

Posted : 14/11/2009 12:09 pm
New Member

Re: how to earn with facebook?

You can earn a good amount by visiting facebook and currently advertise your affilaite marketing ads in the status bar

Posted : 23/11/2009 2:16 pm