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Easy Marketing for Restaurant Owners

New Member

I share this technique with all of our restaurant clients. For those who take a little time to make the right contacts, it can boost weekly sales dramatically with minimal effort.

Pharmaceutical representatives are given tremendous budgets for "lunch and learns". Lunch and learns are lunch appointments where the reps hope to gain more time and access to difficult to see physicians.

Pharma reps are always complaining of caterers that cost too much, that are late for deliveries, offer very little variety in meal options or that their favorite restaurant refuses to deliver.

If you are moderately priced, can guarantee timely deliveries and don't mind making a few phone calls, you can boost weekly sales dramatically with just two or three loyal reps. I have one client who boosted weekly sales by $5000 PER WEEK using this technique.

The easy way to do this is by contacting some local physicians close to your restaurant. Introduce yourself in person or over the phone and explain that you are trying to make contact with some of the local reps in the area to offer your catering services. Ask the front desk person to think of three or four of their favorite reps. Ask them to make a photocopy of the reps' business cards. Then make a few calls to the reps. Sell them on your ability to make great lunches, make deliveries on time all the while respecting their very tight budgets. If this is done right, you should start receiveing orders within a week and a half.

Try it and let me know how well it works for you!

Topic starter Posted : 02/02/2010 3:44 am