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Should You Pay for A Link?

New Member

A lot of people ask me this and I definitely found myself struggling with the answer. Is $140 a year too much to pay for a link on a website? Is it worth? What I found is that with some research it can be an easy question to answer.

First off look at an Alexa ranking for the site. See if the keywords directing traffic to their site fits your business. A good ranking can be around 100,000 or lower but it could not be right for your business.

Ratings aren't everything though. Check to see how much you could spend on similar websites. My latest project I dealt with yoga wear so I looked at all the backlinks from the first page companies on google. I compared the price of posting on these website opposed to posting a press release on

In the end I didn't post on any of these sites and just focused on building better content on the site. But don't get me wrong, sometimes paying for links can be very beneficial especially when you post on a site that is relevant to your site.

Good luck and please post more tips,

- K

Mika Yoga Wear

Topic starter Posted : 03/08/2010 4:51 pm
New Member

Re: Should You Pay for A Link?

Why would anyone pay 140.00 for ONE link? I can get 250-300 PR4+ links for that price...

Posted : 04/08/2010 8:05 pm
New Member

Re: Should You Pay for A Link?

zeninyne;99684 wrote: I am not buying links we can do manually link building.

I am also in favor of you, my friend. I believe that manual link building is the best idea to rank any website. Why should I go to purchase any link. And, yes, in case, it is a high PR link, then I will think about this.

Posted : 23/12/2014 5:43 am
New Member

Google clearly states that buying backlinks to improve your rankings breaches their guidelines. They consider links as votes and that paying for a vote is unethical, in the same way that a politician paying for people to vote for them in an election would be.

Posted : 21/11/2016 5:48 am