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SEO Agents and Internet Search Engines Guidence

New Member

SEO is an acronym commonly attributed to Search Engine Optimization. SEO is something that can help get your website rise higher up the list of search results for Internet search engine sites like Google or Bing. This will not only increase the number of visitors to your site, but can also help to ensure that the visitors are actually looking for whatever it is your site has to offer, and did not arrive there by accident. This is of critical importance for any web site out there, no matter its intended use.

In order to understand SEO, it is helpful to first gain a basic understanding of the way search engines operate. Things can get pretty complicated. With some of the world's greatest programming minds working at search engine sites like Google, utilizing complex equations and esoteric coding and methods, things can get confusing pretty quickly. In order to combat the complexity and try to get a solid foundation for understand, this guide will include just a basic background, in layman's terms. Every search engine has its own program called a "web crawler" or a "web spider." This automated program "crawls" from web page to web page, reading and collecting the content and following the internal and external links. The fact that they crawl the web from link to link is obviously where the name comes from. These programs serve many purposes, but their central purpose is to create a copy of all the visited pages. This is done for later processing by the search engine, which will then index the downloaded pages with the intention of providing lightning-fast searches.

Hopefully after reading this, you have gained a little bit better understanding of search engines and SEO.

Topic starter Posted : 01/09/2010 9:12 am