Our business will be bring in a few remote working professionals. Do you have any good places where we can find such talent online? We're looking for someone to enter into a long-term working business relationship. Any recommendations or referrals will be greatly appreciated.
There are so many places where you can hire such professionals. Just search online companies that do provide freelancing jobs and you'll get them.
Have you tried Craigslist under computer and administrative you are likely to get great freelancers there.
upwork and fiverr are popular places to hire these freelancers. I have used fiverr before.
peopleperhour and freelancer is another place you an get these professionals.
Freeeup is a great place to find freelancers & remote working professionals
Through personal experience, I'd like to recommend the following three: Freelancer, Upwork and Kuhustle.
There are several freelance platforms and one of those is Upwork.