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Top 10 Traits of a Good Franchisee

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1. Reliability
Are you a reliable and work conscientious? Good franchisees tend to be reliable and solid individuals who are careful but not necessarily risk adverse. In other words? No messers apply!

2. Leadership Skills
Do you have some business skills? Franchisors tend to look for franchisees that have developed certain life and business skills. Dealing with people, leading a team, communicating with others will count in your favour as you will be the boss of your own business. Don’t be too worried if you don’t have specific industry experience as the franchisor will let you know all their knowledge and expertise, and provide you with the necessary training and support needed to make your franchise a success.

3. Good Judgement
Every business carries a risk, some more than others. But with franchising, the franchisor will do what they can to help eliminate possible threats and guide you on your way to franchise success. However, as a successful franchisee you must have good judgement to assess whether or not something is considered worthy of a risk or not, such as launching a new website for your franchise. Note! Your franchisor will always be on help or support mode in case you need to consult before taking a business risk.

4. Good Learner
There will always be aspects to the franchise that requires continuous learning and training. Franchisees must be prepared to learn from other people to understand the ins and outs of the business. All good franchisees should be wiling to take advice from franchisors in order to make their franchise a rewarding and profitable success.

5. Hard Worker
All franchisees must be capable of hard work to make the franchise a success from the start. If a franchisee puts in the hard work at the beginning, success is likely to follow. Hard work is necessary to keep the franchise running well and to keep staff and customers happy with the franchise business.

6. Good Communicator
Before making any decisions about entering into a franchise opportunity, franchisees should make sure they talk everything over with their family and loved ones. After the franchise is agreed upon and supported by all involved, the franchisee must maintain effective communication links between family and franchise; franchisee and franchisor; franchisee and suppliers, staff, customers etc. Excellent communication skills are a necessary element of a successful franchise operation.

7. Good at Networking
Are you good with people? All businesses have customers and if you can’t handle dealing with people, then franchising might be the best option for you. The ability to network and to manage customer and business relationships effectively is part of the role of the franchisee. Loyalty and trust are important characteristics when managing staff and customers. These need to be maintained in order for the franchise business to succeed.

8. Financial Awareness
Have you got the necessary finances to set up a franchise? A good franchisee will have the necessary start up and investment finance set up prior to any franchise agreement. After the franchise agreement has been signed and the franchise is set up, a franchisee must keep an eye on financial income and expenditure as the company progresses. Keeping an eye on the business finances will ensure the success of the franchise business.

9. Willing to delegate work
A good franchisee is aware of his/her staffing hierarchy and is willing to delegate work as appropriate. The ability to delegate work to staff is key to the success of the franchise and can help foster effective relationships between staff and franchise owner. Delegating work will also help to take some of the pressure off the franchisee and enable the franchisee to concentrate on other important elements of the franchise business.

10. Willing to ask for help
A good franchisee is never afraid to ask for help from the franchisor, staff and family. Sometimes asking for advice on solving a difficult issue can relieve the stress of the franchisee. The willingness to ask for help is central to the maintaining of successful and healthy partnerships in business. This will help the franchise business grow and be successful.

Topic starter Posted : 17/05/2010 6:51 am