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Increase Business Profits: Tips Strategies ??

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Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

The main advantage of planing is it gives you clarity of mind and you get depressed if you are not successful on the way. A complete SWAT analysis can give you more clear picture and can help you to plan for long term business strategy.

Posted : 02/02/2010 5:10 am
New Member

Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

The main advantage of planing is it gives you clarity of mind and you get depressed if you are not successful on the way. A complete SWAT analysis can give you more clear picture and can help you to plan for long term business strategy.

Posted : 02/02/2010 5:39 am
New Member

Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

Hello friends

1. Reactivation of past customers that were sold any type of service subscription
2. Implementation of an opt-in subscriber form to gain new customers
3. Implementation of an automatic sales funnel using a targeted email campaign
4. Cross-selling by promoting non-competitive products to your customers or clients using profit-pulling copy via direct mail.
5. Endorsements of additional non-competitive products to your customer database

Thanks for all friends....

Posted : 15/02/2010 8:10 am
New Member

Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

It's about setting goals and working to achieve those goals. If you decide to target online people find out how to do it and consistently put in the time to do it. Most people just give up. The one's who don't are the one's who will succeed. It may not be right away but over time with knowledge and experience you can come out on top.

Posted : 24/02/2010 9:07 am
New Member

Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

That's are great Posts friend Which You have shared here With us
I Found it really great Tips and Strategies
Keep sharing This useful Posts With us.

Posted : 25/02/2010 1:28 pm
New Member

Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

Hello Everyone

1. Ask your product or service how it wants to be sold. Now we move into more intuitive techniques. Start by getting yourself into a relaxed state. Take a few deep breaths or practice some relaxation techniques. Imagine your product or service in front of you. Now ask it questions. Who do you want to be sold to? How do you want to be sold? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Who do you think you can help? Why do you want to help them? You can also do this technique as a journal exercise. Write down the question and answer. See what bubbles up onto the paper.
2. Paint a public relations campaign. What would a press release look like if you painted it? Or sculpted it? How about a dance number? A collage? Take any part of your marketing that troubles you and turn it into a piece of art. By combining two dissimilar acts, you may discover your answer. Or you may not come up with anything at all, but just the act of "playing" and "creating" could jolt something loose. Hours or days later your idea may suddenly end up in your lap.
3. Walk away from it. If nothing is working, then stop. You can literally walk away by taking a walk, or just quit thinking about it. This is especially important if you find yourself getting frustrated or discouraged. Give your subconscious time to mull things over. The idea may just suddenly appear to you. Or, after a few days, try another exercise or two. That may be the catalyst you need.

Have a nice day

Posted : 26/02/2010 2:53 am
New Member

Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

1. Set clear goals. Write out your goals – and then follow through with them. Your goals should be both precise and practical. Along with your goals, you also need to plan a budget.

Your budget is a tool that you should use to keep your expenses under control.

2. Right location, right product. In addition to having the right retail location after having identified a need in a particular area, you will need to provide the right products at the right time for your customers. This will ensure that you can supply products and services that the community has a need for.

Once customers know that you will have products that they want in stock, you will earn both new and repeat customers.

3. Maintain the right quantity of products. Rotate your stock according to the buying habits of your customers. Use one of the many available software packages to track and maintain ideal inventory levels.

There are many different kinds of computer programs available that will help you manage your inventory. That way, you can order additional inventory during peak seasons, or reduce your inventory in the off-season.

Posted : 26/02/2010 4:37 am
New Member

Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

It's about setting goals and working to achieve those goals. If you decide to target online people find out how to do it and consistently put in the time to do it. Most people just give up. The one's who don't are the one's who will succeed. It may not be right away but over time with knowledge and experience you can come out on top.

Posted : 05/03/2010 3:38 am
New Member

Re: Increase Business Profits: Tips & Strategies ??

Hello Friends,
1.Offer what people want to buy, not just what you want to sell. Too often, people jump into a business built around a product or service they think will be successful, rather than one that is already proven to have a market.What do I mean?
Instead of creating and selling a new sports shoe with the latest trendy design and materials, you'd be much better off from a business perspective to focus on shoe category generally (a proven category because which people buy shoes every day) and then focus more specifically on the niche of high performance sports shoes, (which you may even sell in a section of a shoe retail outlet). Better to have a small slice of a large category than a large slice of no market at all.
2.Focus on sales and marketing manically. In business, nothing happens until a sale is mad. From the jump, you'll need to find a good way to get leads, convert leads into sales, and make sure you keep getting repeat sales from your customers.The way to do this is to find or create a marketing and sales funnel system that you can work, test, measure; one that anyone in your company can utilize.Too many entrepreneurs focus on getting their brand right before they start to generate leads. That is exactly the wrong way to go about business. Leads are always more important than your brand, so don't waste money getting your brand right at the expense of spending that same money to buy new customers.
3.Test and measure everything. You can't change what you don't measure, and you can't tell if a program or strategy is working if you are not faithfully testing, measuring and tracking your results.Another way to look at this is to think in terms of doctors. Most like to get baseline stats of your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing before they delve into identifying symptoms or recommending corrective courses of action.

Posted : 06/03/2010 4:01 pm
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