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What is a nonprofit corporation?

New Member

What is a nonprofit corporation?

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Topic starter Posted : 07/09/2010 6:10 pm
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?


A non-profit corporation is a business entity incorporated at the state level where there are no equity owners that hold shares of stock. Also, none of the corporate income is distributable to members, directors, or officers. Instead, such non-profit corporations typically are controlled by members that elect a board of directors.

Thank you

Posted : 11/09/2010 6:55 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?


A nonprofit corporation is an entity formed for purposes other than making a profit. Nonprofit corporations are formed pursuant to different state laws than standard for-profit corporations; however, the process of forming a nonprofit is very similar.

Thank you

Posted : 13/09/2010 6:43 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

all that being said, the members of a NP can be compensated for their services. Not always a big fan of Wiki, but here is some great info on NP's:

Posted : 19/09/2010 3:09 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

I found this site very helpful

Posted : 20/09/2010 5:08 pm
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

(A non-profit organization known as short as NPO) non-profit organization organization does not distribute more money, but instead were used to achieve objectives to help to owners or shareholders is. For example, a non-profit (ie charity) donation, trade unions and government organizations involved in the art. Most governments and government agencies appreciated the meeting, but most countries such as independent non-profit organizations and east that is not. In most countries, non-profit organization exempt from income tax and property.

Posted : 15/02/2011 7:14 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

A nonprofit corporation is an entity formed for purposes other than making a profit. Nonprofit corporations are formed pursuant to different state laws than standard for-profit corporations; however, the process of forming a nonprofit is very similar.
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Posted : 25/02/2011 9:59 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

A form of corporation in which no stockholder or trustee shares in profits or losses and which usually exists to accomplish some charitable or educational function. These organizations are exempt from corporate income taxes, and donations to these groups may be tax deductible.
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Posted : 08/03/2011 3:06 pm
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

A nonprofit corporation is an organization or company that gains money through sales and keeps 100% of the profit. Income and any surplus funds are not distributed to owners or shareholder, but are kept to be used in the company's activities.

Posted : 09/03/2011 11:22 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

Florida Non Profits are becoming more popular every day. Many different crowds-homeless shelters, special interest groups, religious organizations, education and health promoters, conservationists and poets, writers, dancers, musicians and artist-wish to organize their endeavors as nonprofit corporations. All such people demonstrate a colossal devotion to doing what they believe to be worthy and right in the face of monetary and social struggles. Thus, it is understandable that a modest amount of time, money or physical energy is left for concentrating on legal and tax formalities.

One important thing that most people are looking for when forming a non-profit are the Federal Solicitation Documents.
These documents allow you to accept donations while allowing your donators to write it off of their taxes.
These documents are complex and would be facilitated by the use of an attorney.

If it is essential that your Florida Non Profit Corporation MUST be capable of soliciting Donations and Government Grants then you must first register a State 501(c)(3) Corporation and register your Florida Solicitation of Donation Documentation with the State.

Posted : 14/12/2011 5:45 pm
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

Non-profit organization or not for profit organization is established to meet its sole purpose. For example, organization who helps **** victims, cancer patients, etc. They solely disburse their funding to help other people.

Posted : 05/03/2012 11:22 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

It is a special form of corporation that does not have stockholders, and it it takes in more money than it spends, it does not distribute the money as a dividend to the stockholders.

They can take in more money than they spend. This is called surplus revenue instead of profit, but the real difference is that the money does not get distributed to owners (the stockholders).

Posted : 12/04/2012 3:04 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

It is US and UK based nonprofit organization or not-for-profit organization, often called an NPO or simply a nonprofit, also non-commercial organization (Russia and CIS) often called an NCO, is an organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than distributing them as profit or dividends. States in the United States defer to the IRS designation conferred under United States internal revenue code section 501(c), when the IRS deems an organization eligible. Read more on Wiki....

Posted : 25/12/2012 8:32 am
New Member

Re: What is a nonprofit corporation?

A nonprofit corporation is a corporation (that is to say, a legal fiction of a person). Unlike a normal for-profit business corporation, though, a nonprofit corporation generally doesn't have shareholders. The significance of the absence of shareholders is that the nonprofit corporation cannot make distributions of its funds to shareholders (because it doesn't have any shareholders) which is diffrent than a for-profit business corporation that can pay dividends.

Posted : 23/01/2013 5:04 am