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A step-by-step guide to data science for any business

New Member

Data science refers to the art of using data with statistical methods to benefit your business. Wherever data is involved, you can apply data science and analytics techniques. Making decisions for a lucrative business whatsapp电话号码列表 needs data to predict the right choice. Since the “thin line” of separation is getting thinner, there is essentially only one correct choice among the pool of options. So, to make the right decision, you need data science solutions to help you stay ahead of any eventuality.

The management team of any company must ensure that all its resources, whether human or mechanical, are well used. They can strategize all of these business decisions using data whatsapp电话号码列表. Let's look at some of the data science systems that come to the rescue and bring a sigh of relief to business management.

Customer segmentation
This is the division of customer data into segments based on their buying behavior. There are many different customer segments. The segmentation is done according to the objective of the decision-making whatsapp电话号码列表.

The most common segmentation is the RFM model. It refers to the Recency-Frequency-Money aspects of a customer to decide which segment customers will be assigned to whatsapp电话号码列表.

Recency is calculated based on the number of days since the customer's last whatsapp电话号码列表 purchase and the second to last day of the purchase. Frequency refers to the number of customer orders. Monetary value refers to the sum of the number of orders placed by the customer. Recency and frequency can also be calculated based on website visits made by customers.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Anonymous
Topic starter Posted : 18/01/2022 7:04 am