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What is an image map?

New Member

An image map is positional information XHTML and HTML which has details of coordinates related to a unique image. Unlike a normal image link where the entire area of image is linked to a single destination, an image map is created to hyperlink sections in image to different destinations. Image maps provide a convenient way of linking different sections of an image without the need to create image files for the image. An image map is also known as a clickable image map.

Topic starter Posted : 31/01/2022 9:36 am
New Member

In Web page development, an image map is a graphic image defined so that a user can click on different areas of the image and be linked to different destinations. You make an image map by defining each of the sensitive areas in terms of their X and Y coordinates (that is, a certain horizontal distance and a certain vertical distance from the left-hand corner of the image). With each set of coordinates, you specify a Uniform Resource Locator or Web address that will be linked to when the user clicks on that area.

Posted : 24/02/2022 6:15 am