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Success of the Solo Ads

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How do Solo Ads work?

In building an effective Solo Ad, you simply pay a newsletter publisher and have him/her send your ezine ad to their mailing list.

Ultimately, the price usually depends upon factors such as the amount of subscribers, the quality of the leads, and/or the popularity of the ezine. Generally, your ad is going to be exclusive, and won’t really contain other advertising…unless you permit this.

TOP 5 Steps to Solo Ad Success:

1.) The subject line is the most important part of a Solo Ad. Usually people won’t read the rest of your ad if the subject line is dull or doesn’t grab their attention/entice them to read more.

2.) Creating a sense of urgency and scarcity. You see this all the time in affiliate products…BUY NOW, ONLY 3 EBOOKS LEFT!!....or COACHING BONUS LIMITED TO 3 PEOPLE!

3.) Follow the SHORT PARAGRAPH RULE. This rule consists of making it easier for the human eye to follow, by putting short and ‘to the point’ chunks of information in paragraphs no more than 4 lines each.

4.) Make the ezine Solo ad short in scope, because the longer the ad the more prone it will be to the email spam filters. So treating the solo ad as a teaser will direct the reader to visit the sales letter, and thus increase chances of making the sale. Although, writing a long solo ad isn’t a BAD IDEA, it should be done only if its necessary and can pass through a dependable spam filter.

5) Add convincing testimonials to the Solo Ad. Testimonials add a certain sense of credibility and “power” to the ad. There is something about other people having used a product and having had liked it that sparks a sense of trust in the reader.

So What are the Benefits of Solo Ads?

Overall, Ezine Solo Ads could be highly profitable and pretty easy to do if you promote an affiliate product. The thing about using Solo Ads is it doesn’t require much analytical knowledge as pay-per click marketing or SEO. But you still have to be realistic and apply proper methods; like all marketing, to get a good ROI from the ezine solo ads strategy.

Topic starter Posted : 21/11/2010 1:29 am