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SEOBook Toolbar v/s SEOQuake

New Member

I installed seoquake and seobook toolbar just lately. Both of them are quite alike, in my opinion. Please tell me the dissimilarities between the two. When I installed seoquake, I got a message asking if I would also install Technorati and Delicious plug-in. What is the difference between seoquake with technorati and delicious? I would also like to learn the quality obtainable in these toolbars that can be helpful to me. Have I done the right thing by installing both of them? Help me understand these things.
Please explain to me also the SEMrush rank and price along with the alexa rank. I’m sorry if I have too many questions. I just want to know more about those things. Thanks in advance!

Topic starter Posted : 24/02/2011 3:18 pm