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Search Usage Trends

New Member

Following users’ search usage trends will help track where most searchers are and how search trends are changing. For this post, let's look at 2007 to the present.

As you can see, the vast majority of searches occur on Google, which to most people is unsurprising. In 2009 Google peaked; on the line graph there is a peak that corresponds to the pie chart, where Google represents Pac-Man devouring the other search engines. Why doesn’t that upwards trend from 2007 – 2009 continue for Google? The answer lies in Microsoft’s behavoior. In 2009 they shifted their focus from MSN search to Bing, coupling it with a major advertising campaign. In 2010, the major search engines, Google & Yahoo!, showed a shift downwards. Bing did not. Bing not only shot a lasso onto Google’s upward trend, but brought Yahoo! down as well, affecting the whole market.

What does that mean for your online advertising budget? Put your money where the people are! Begin with advertising on Google, and then if you’ve got enough of a budget allocate some to Yahoo! and Bing, throw a little that way too. Always remember to take into account your prime or target customers. If everyone in your area searches on Yahoo!, it makes sense for you to advertise there.

Topic starter Posted : 13/12/2010 4:54 am