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importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

New Member

1. Use One Message: A high response rate ad usually conveys a single message. NordicTrack's message of the "World's Best Aerobic Exerciser" was simple and compelling. Your small business advertising needs to quickly communicate its core message in 3 seconds or less. If you are fearful and overwhelmed by technology, which computer book do you buy? "DOS for Dummies" began a best-selling phenomena because its message was easily understood and to the point.

2. Add Credibility: It has become human nature to distrust advertising. Claims need to be real and credible. Roy H. Williams, best-selling author of the "Wizard of Ads" says, "Any claim made in your advertising which your customer does not perceive as the truth is a horrible waste of ad dollars."

NordicTrack added enormous credibility from a University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse research study, ranking the cross-country ski exerciser first in the areas of weight loss, body fat reduction, and cardiovascular fitness. Ivory soap's advertising success was attributed to its credible statement that ivory soap is the 99-44/100% pure.

3. Test Everything: Large businesses have a greater margin to waste capital and resources without testing advertising. Small businesses do not have the luxury. Use coupons, codes, and specials to measure the headline, timing, and placement of your ad. Test only one item at a time and one medium. Testing can be as simple as asking every customer for several weeks how they heard of your business.

4. Be Easy to Contact: Every single brochure, box, email and all company literature should have full contact information including: website and email address, phone and fax numbers, and company address. It seems simple but is forgotten by most companies. At NordicTrack, every box a ski machine went into had full contact information and the "World's Best Aerobic Exerciser" tagline. Be everywhere.

5. Match Ads to Target: Successful business advertising speaks to one target market only. At NordicTrack, the ads were tailored to each market. An ad in a medical publication preached the cardio-vascular benefits of cross-country skiing to heart patients. Ads in women's magazines discussed the weight-loss and calorie burn from cross-country skiing. Focus the message to the target group.

Posted : 21/05/2010 9:52 am
New Member

what is the importance of the blog and forum in your site is it good to have blog and forum in website for seo.


Topic starter Posted : 30/06/2011 10:57 am
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

In my own opinion, it is one way to promote or advertise the website πŸ™‚

Posted : 05/07/2011 3:04 am
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

Blog and forum provide a good quailty of backlink by which you can increase your page rank of the website and can increase your traffic to the website. These would increase your growth of your business. Forum and blog are main technique to increase the backlink of the website.

Posted : 06/07/2011 9:16 am
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

Importance of forum and blog in a website is it can bring a lots of visitors as well they van get the review of the product.Through the blog and forum they can get real idea about what the website offering and other users experience with that product.

Posted : 01/08/2011 4:26 am
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

It depends on the purpose of the Web was created.

I do not think it necessary to add rankging particular. Or something like that.

Posted : 01/08/2011 5:50 am
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

both are important to regular update or increase the number of visitor, if you are having huge number of visitor than your site will come automatically on rank.

Posted : 01/08/2011 8:59 am
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

A forum or blog with unrelated content can hurt your rankings drastically. In my case, I lost most of my rankings with a bad forum. This happened before the Panda update. I'm sure the rules are even tougher now.

However, a small "General Discussion" section on your forum probably doesn't hurt. However, you have to make sure that most of your forum centers around one topic.

Posted : 09/08/2011 3:54 am
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

I don't think they help in any way in SEO, its just that its a very good way of getting traffic to your site.

Posted : 26/10/2011 2:41 pm
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

Well, if you don't think or if you know that a blog or forum is not suitable for your website, there is no need to create it. But in case you do, here are the benefits:
1. forums are a great place to communicate with your visitors - hard to control spam though
2. blogs are awesome ways to send out news or updates about your products or your site
3. seo of course can have a few juice out of the two.

Posted : 27/10/2011 8:15 am
New Member

Re: importance of having Blog and Forum in your site for seo

Having a blog on your website is a great way to generate content and have fresh searchable info for the search engines to find. You can use the blog to promote long tail keywords and if your content is appealing you can potentially drive good traffic. Having a forum is a completely different option. It will potentially drive a lot of traffic however if you don't maintain it and put the necessary time into it then you could potentially damage your reputation with the search engines.

Posted : 28/10/2011 4:09 pm