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How to earn money in education?

New Member

Steps of earn the money:
1. Save as much as possible. Remember, a penny saved is a penny earned. Cut down on unnecessary spending, and you will have more money as a result. It is difficult to make even 10% on any investment, but if you can sock away even 20% of the money you have, you will have a guaranteed 20%
2. Work for yourself. Treat it like a business. Do work around the house. Negotiate fees with your parents for extra chores around the house. Try to pick things they might hire a professional to do, like detail the car, and charge them half price. Ask your parents if you can clean the house each week instead of them or your housekeeper. Do your laundry and the dishes. This can be a weekly sum. Do the chores properly or your parents might not think it's worth their money.
3. If you're talented at sports, participate in sports tournaments. If you like tennis, then go down to your local tennis c**b and enter a tournament. You get money every round you progress. Snooker or pool is also a good idea.
4. If you are very good at a sport or a subject in school, find out what the local rules are for charging a small fee for tutoring.
5. Hire others to work for you. Hire all your friends to mow the neighbors' lawns. Sell tickets to a talent show featuring the most talented kids in your school.
6. Put your money to work for you. Pay attention to what other people do, and teach. Maybe it's confusing, but the idea is simple: take the money you have, and use it to make more money. It's called investing.
7. Join Online Communities. If you've got your entrepreneur goggles on and are internet savvy you could join online communities that share systems with each other on how to start your own online business.
8. Do Online Surveys. Market research is very important for big businesses, so many sites will pay you for your opinion. Some sites are very easy to use, and earn you big money that you can redeem.

Topic starter Posted : 06/07/2010 4:40 am
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?

An other approach would be to create educational info products like an eBook
or for example an Instructional Video and sell it online. On my Home Business Lifestyle
Blog you can find interesting info - and even a little report - about how you can make simple video's.

All the Best,
To your Happy - Small Business - Inspiration,

Posted : 08/07/2010 1:01 pm
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?

If you have ever wondered how to make money in the next big trend, you are certainly not alone. Many people make it their goal in life to study long and hard to determine the latest trends so they can capitalize on them. But how do they determine which trend will be the big one, the mother load of trends? The one that they will be able to make the most money with?

The trick to learning how to make money in the next big trend is to do your due diligence by researching a variety of different media. The trick is to catch a trend at the very beginning, while it is still relatively unknown to the general population. With proper research you will be able to determine whether a trend will be a profitable one or a ****. Research is really the key when trying to figure out how to make money in the next big trend.

When I first start to research to find a hot new trend, I first look at magazines, what is the featured topic of the magazine? Another place is newspapers, what is getting the greatest coverage? My favorite websites to do my research are Google trends. They offer great insight into what's going to be a hot topic and is a fantastic starting point for anyone looking to capitalize on a new hot market.

A new big trend that I recently discovered while doing some research was online education or web education as it is sometimes referred. This hot new trend has even been featured in Forbes magazine so you know it's going to be huge! I know for a fact that most people search the internet for information, not necessarily to buy something, hence the name information highway. So it stands to reason that the natural progression of information is education. People are starting to look toward the internet for education/web education.

According to Peter Drucker of Forbes Magazine: Web education is the next great growth opportunity online. Continuing education is creating a new and distinct educational realm, and it is the future of education. There is a global market here that is potentially worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

So if you have ever wanted to make money online and wondered how to make money in the next big trend, my choice after reading this from Forbes and doing some basic research would be the area of Web education.

Posted : 15/07/2010 8:24 am
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?


The trick to learning how to make money in the next big trend is to do your due diligence by researching a variety of different media. The trick is to catch a trend at the very beginning, while it is still relatively unknown to the general population. With proper research you will be able to determine whether a trend will be a profitable one or a ****. Research is really the key when trying to figure out how to make money in the next big trend.


Posted : 02/08/2010 2:15 pm
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?

Do the chores properly or your parents might not think it's worth their money. Do work around the house. Negotiate fees with your parents for extra chores around the house. Try to pick things they might hire a professional to do, like detail the car, and charge them half price. Ask your parents if you can clean the house each week instead of them or your housekeeper. Do your laundry and the dishes. This can be a weekly sum. If you're talented at sports, participate in sports tournaments. If you like tennis, then go down to your local tennis c**b and enter a tournament. You get money every round you progress. Snooker or pool is also a good idea. If you are very good at a sport or a subject in school, find out what the local rules are for charging a small fee for tutoring. Hire others to work for you. Hire all your friends to mow the neighbors' lawns. Sell tickets to a talent show featuring the most talented kids in your school.

Posted : 07/09/2010 4:36 am
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?

Getting a master's degree and a doctorate I work in a community college and make big money for someone who has been their master, without real work experience and teachers make more More hours are great for most teachers. If you enter in the administration of a college, you could make money MAJOR.

Posted : 09/09/2010 2:48 pm
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?

I think the best ways is master degree and then get some professor job, Day by day many of the new university are open in the world and for they thy must have to choose only which person who having a master degree and they got a very nice salary form this job. you get in master degree in any study.

Posted : 17/09/2010 11:26 am
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?

I only work with the sources that I hope will give the best advice and products to make money online especially those that focus on the secrets of how to begin. They know the best techniques, traps, ways to reduce costs, and above all proven ways that work well from home.

Posted : 11/10/2010 6:40 am
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?

I think these are some great tips but another thing I would like to add would: do what makes you happy. I can't tell you how many people I've seen waste tons of money on education for a career that they're never going to use. Then, they realize what they really want to do and have to spend even more money. Do what your gut tells you first 🙂

Posted : 11/10/2010 9:21 am
New Member

Re: How to earn money in education?

There are different steps to earn the money through the education carrier .
All of such depends upon the the profession of the education but in my opinion teaching is the respectable profession from all of others.

Posted : 20/10/2010 6:11 am