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Google dance

New Member

Google dance

A fluctuation in the Google rankings as a result of an algorithmic update.The name "Google Dance" was in the past used to describe the period that a major index update of the Google search engine are being implemented. These major Google index update occured on average every 36 days or 10 times per year. It was easiest be identified by significant changes in search results, and by an updating of Google's cache of all indexed pages. These changes would be evident from one minute to the next. But the update did not proceed as a switch from one index to another like the flip of a switch. In fact, it took several days to finish the complete update of the index.

Topic starter Posted : 15/11/2011 5:18 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

Google rankings are very significant for a domain. It tells whether your domain is competitive or not. Great share dude! 🙂

Posted : 25/01/2012 1:25 pm
New Member

Re: Google dance

I have experienced a couple of times whenever I used to change little in web design which involves changing placement of the content. The best way to get out of dance is to get very high quality links from the most relevant websites in your niche with original and unique content.

Posted : 30/01/2012 8:45 am
(@Anonymous 26906)
Active Member

Re: Google dance

Google Dance is actually not a allotment of Google. It is created by some people that are not in the organization. In fact, it is called Google Dance because of its functionality. The Google Dance Collects results from Google index, Google’s own database using the spiders they sent out.

Posted : 02/02/2012 5:12 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

Google Dance is often used to describe the index update of the Google.:(

Posted : 03/02/2012 10:13 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

Google Dance refers to the update of Google server which determine time period for upgrading the rankings of the websites on the search engine.Google Dance is an out-dated slang term. Google dance is used to describe the time period in which Google used to re-build its ranking,

Posted : 07/02/2012 6:22 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

Currently google is changing search result on daily bases that is not good for SEO. So they called it Google dance.

Posted : 13/02/2013 10:35 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

While Google dance is back and happening in various ways better stick to best practices in SEO and avoid risky techniques, the less likely Google will play with your rankings.

Posted : 14/02/2013 5:48 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

lejamunga;79204 wrote: Google dance

A fluctuation in the Google rankings as a result of an algorithmic update.The name "Google Dance" was in the past used to describe the period that a major index update of the Google search engine are being implemented. These major Google index update occured on average every 36 days or 10 times per year. It was easiest be identified by significant changes in search results, and by an updating of Google's cache of all indexed pages. These changes would be evident from one minute to the next. But the update did not proceed as a switch from one index to another like the flip of a switch. In fact, it took several days to finish the complete update of the index.

Google Dance stands for new Google updates. Every year some new Google Update come and ranking of sites are gone.
It is called dance because due to it's reason ranking of all sites dance like a bubble. Sites that follow Google guidelines and use white hat SEO techniques get less effect from it but websites that violate Google guidelines get more effect from it.
Panda and Penguin are two Google updates.
In Panda update Google reduce ranking of websites that contain thin content that means in Panda Google most focus on Content of a website. Google want content of a website must be fresh, unique, helpful for users, original, and relevant to websites topic.
In Penguin Google reduce ranking of websites that have low quality back links that means in Penguin update most focus is the back links of a website. Google want a website must have good quality and relevant back links.
Websites that follow google rules not lose their ranking even any of the update come.

Posted : 22/03/2013 12:40 pm
New Member

Re: Google dance

When Google updating their index and recalculating the PR of web pages is called Google dance. "In short, when your website rank is modulated."

Posted : 28/03/2013 11:42 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

The term "Google Dance" has mostly been used to elaborate the index update of the Google search engine. Google's index update occurred on average once per month. During an index update there was significant movement in search results and Google showed new backward links for pages.

Posted : 17/02/2015 4:25 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

Well, the Google Dance is nothing, but when your keyword position is fluctuated in SERP, and you don't get a proper place of your keyword have, that is known as the Google Dance.

Posted : 17/03/2015 2:51 am
New Member

Re: Google dance

Well, Google Dance seems as a funny term, where you can see that when no position of your website is fixed in certain keywords in Google and it continually fluctuate from one position to another position and it doesn't stick any position,then it is called Google Dancing.

Posted : 01/04/2015 12:31 am