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Detect an Online Business Scam

New Member

A scam is a fraudulent attempt to make money, and the term online business scam is used to describe three different types of ventures that use the Internet, or online environment, in their attempts to swindle people. First, an online business scam can refer to a non-existent business: a front. Second, it can refer to a firm that sells products or services that exist, but do not live up to their description. And third, it can refer to fraudulent businesses such as those built on pyramid schemes, which has become closely associated with Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), also known as network marketing. Following a few steps carefully can help you detect and avoid getting involved in an online business scam.

One way that an online business scam is presented is through a job offer, so when looking at offers of employment, there are several things to look out for. One is an email address that is provided by a free service, rather than one that is attached to a company’s online website and branding. A second is failure to clearly identify the company that is hiring and provide contact information and a corporate website address. A third is poor grammar or nonstandard phrasing. Online job offers that sound too good to be true are probably online business scams, and it is safe to assume that any promise of enormous sums of money and short hours for people with no experience, training, or special skills is a scam.

An online business scam can also be presented through an advertisement for a product or service that is not as advertised. Glowing testimonials from people who are only identified by first name is one sign. Huge amounts of product or service for a special low offer or a limited time greatly reduced price are another. If you’re not sure, use a search engine to try to find independent product reviews. Find out about any guarantees, and if you still decide to buy, use a payment method from a company that will support you and cancel the payment if the product is not as advertised or is never delivered at all.

Topic starter Posted : 19/09/2010 10:48 am
New Member

Re: Detect an Online Business Scam

Tips for Online Scam!!

Posted : 28/09/2010 3:15 pm
New Member

Re: Detect an Online Business Scam

boski;53964 wrote: A scam is a fraudulent attempt to make money, and the term online business scam is used to describe three different types of ventures that use the Internet, or online environment, in their attempts to swindle people. First, an online business scam can refer to a non-existent business: a front. Second, it can refer to a firm that sells products or services that exist, but do not live up to their description. And third, it can refer to fraudulent businesses such as those built on pyramid schemes, which has become closely associated with Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), also known as network marketing. Following a few steps carefully can help you detect and avoid getting involved in an online business scam.

One way that an online business scam is presented is through a job offer, so when looking at offers of employment, there are several things to look out for. One is an email address that is provided by a free service, rather than one that is attached to a company’s online website and branding. A second is failure to clearly identify the company that is hiring and provide contact information and a corporate website address. A third is poor grammar or nonstandard phrasing. Online job offers that sound too good to be true are probably online business scams, and it is safe to assume that any promise of enormous sums of money and short hours for people with no experience, training, or special skills is a scam.

An online business scam can also be presented through an advertisement for a product or service that is not as advertised. Glowing testimonials from people who are only identified by first name is one sign. Huge amounts of product or service for a special low offer or a limited time greatly reduced price are another. If you’re not sure, use a search engine to try to find independent product reviews. Find out about any guarantees, and if you still decide to buy, use a payment method from a company that will support you and cancel the payment if the product is not as advertised or is never delivered at all.

Have you heard of What do you think of them?? I was looking for a good way to earn money online and I stumbled on their website. I only found one website article in the internet saying that the is scam.

Thanks for this post!

Posted : 05/11/2010 5:47 pm
New Member

Re: Detect an Online Business Scam

when i was in business management i have learned that if you are going to have a business you should start from a small business than to a larger one, all those large and strong competitors you have mentioned starts from being small but they became successful because they know they can do it, just consider all the factors in starting a business, if you really want to engage in that business you should take the risk...

be SMART..Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reliable and Time bound...

Posted : 10/11/2010 2:55 pm
New Member

Re: Detect an Online Business Scam

Great post! Seems we are now armed to detect and avoid the scammers. Well, there are many legitimate online marketers that will give their full contact information and these are the ones that deliver their products and services.

Posted : 08/12/2010 5:59 am