What are the best social media sites for companies in the professional services industry?
I vote for twitter and linkedin
facebook, twitter, linkedin and google plus is most popular platforms. pinterest is also useful for you
Pinterest sounds like a good company in the professional service industry niche.
Data connect
To mention but a few.
Instagram is the highest growing social media now. It's probably best for firms today because it gives a simple and yet effective presentation of a company and product.
I found Linkedin the best as far as professional service firms go. However, due to the expanse of Twitter and Instagram, it's also good to at least keep your presence there.
Currently, Linkedin is the best place to be for professional service firms. It also offers a wide variety of analytical tools to help firms with marketing.
Today, definitely Linkedin. For professional service firms it's essential to at least keep a presence there.
LinkedIn is a social media site that'll be mos helpful to you, if you are working in a B2B business.
Apart from that, there is Twitter.
These two sites have members that are professional and creative.
It'll help you if you gain followers for your Professional service business by posting regular updates of your products.
The best social media platform for a professional service firm is LinkedIn. No about from that.
It provides a place for professionals to interact and network with each other. Apart from that, the only other social media platform I can think of is Twitter.
But very few professional niches can benefit from it, is what I think.
I'll agree with what most users say above that it is LinkedIn. Twitter too has shown to be a good avenue for professional service firms to develop a presence. However, LinkedIn comes highly recommended.
Reddit, Quora & LinkedIn those are my top rated ones