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Ways To Make More Money With Your Phone

New Member


1. Answer your phone on the second or third ring. First ring -you’ll sound too anxious. Second or third ring -you’re ready to do business.

2. Answer with enthusiasm! If you aren’t excited, how do you expect the caller to be excited?

3. Smile when you say that. Smiling subconsciously makes you more positive and upbeat. And people can tell whether you’re smiling or not. Keep a little mirror next to the phone and check yourself out occasionally.

4.Never start off with an apology. “Gee, sorry I didn’t call you back,” or “Sorry it took so long to answer the phone.” You lose control of the call if you start out with an excuse or apology.

5. Sit up straight or stand up when you’re on the phone. This opens your diaphragm and lets your voice come from “down there.” If you like to pace, use your cordless or cell phone. If you like to pace and wave your hands while you talk, get a good headset.

Keep sharing and reading

Topic starter Posted : 26/02/2010 11:09 am