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Main Factors to be included in your business plan

New Member


When you create a business plan, do not attempt to recreate its format. You should understand the needs of the consumers and try to make your plan in the same way.
Following are the components you should decide on while you are making a business plan:

Executive business summary sections

Prepare the summary section in a way that it interests all types of customers. You should describe the nature of your business venture and your goals. Show sound reasons as why people should know about your business. Describe the organizational structure in your business and the functions of your management teams. Along with the sales and marketing plans, you should also include the nature of your potential market, the carefully calculated sales projection and your plans to repay the loans, if taken any.

The business section

This section plan should include the legal name, detailed description of the nature of your business and the physical address of your business. Do not use any hard business jargons, as laymen may not understand. You must describe how you plan to serve your market better in future.

Financing section

The financing section must show the amount of your personal funds that you are contributing and their source. It should also include the capital you need and your plan to repay the debt. You should attach all your financial documents like annual income projections, a break-even worksheet, projected cash flow statements and balance sheets.

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Topic starter Posted : 15/01/2010 10:01 am