I am searching for that type of business where demand is continuously in the economy. 2 days ago my friend suggest me about weighbridge making machinery, he told me that about Weighbridge Industries provide the best quality of weighbridge machine at a reasonable price with the greatest service. Please suggest to me if you know that another business and another industry that provide me the best quality machinery at a reasonable price.
I would say because people are moving online think of a service of a product that would help people coming online either for work or business.
I'm not sure whether there is a business where demand never decreases. Start your business and grow it well.
The one idea that has popped into my mind is a business that involves selling food. Like a restaurant demand will always be there. Instead of a fast food eating place, you can consider opening a decent restaurant, which sells healthy foods.
An Internet service business is one example of a business that would always be in demand.
For the weighbridge machine, you can look at the following and compare.
It does not matter what business it is. Because growing businesses face a range of challenges. As a business grows, different problems and opportunities demand different solutions - what worked a year ago might now be not the best approach.