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Why Is Right Now The Best Time For Small Businesses?

New Member

Why do you think right now is the best time to start a new small business?

Small businesses are born every day, but many of them don't last long. Why is that? Is it because they don't plan well enough or just give up to early? Well let's take a look at the last so called "great depression." At that time people were panicking just as they are now, and times were tough just as they are now, but many new small businesses started at that time, and over the decades some of them became mulit million dollar giants, while others prospered humbly. Why? Because they were relentless? Because they were funded? Because they were new, and people needed something new? It could be all 3. But what we know is that in a time of great despair, up will rise the strong and bring something new, gifted and beneficial to those in need, and what we need right now is more courage and more entrepreneurs opening small businesses, joining networks and bringing hope and light to the rest of the world.

Topic starter Posted : 04/09/2010 7:20 pm