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What is business venture?

New Member

A business venture is a start-up enterprise that is formed with the expectation and plan that a financial gain will result. Many refer to this type of business as a small business, since it normally starts out with an idea that begins with a small amount of capital or finances. Most business ventures are backed by one or more investors with the hope that the business will be profitable.

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Anonymous
Topic starter Posted : 31/08/2021 9:28 am
New Member

A business venture is a start-up enterprise that is formed with the expectation and plan that a financial gain will result.

Posted : 26/10/2021 10:55 am
New Member

Any new formal business plan formation and expectation that can support financial grown and gain will follow, these kinds of businesses generally plan and create for the small business to support financially, and it's good for the startups and small businesses. These kinds of plans are basically created by the students in the higher business management assignment and experts and business holders take advantage of these reports and researches. 

This post was modified 3 years ago by Anonymous
Posted : 11/11/2021 5:00 pm
New Member

A business venture is any new business created to make a profit that also involves risk. Business ventures can be anything from small lawn care operations to large silicon valley enterprises

Posted : 14/11/2021 11:39 am
New Member
Posted by: @codiant

A business venture is a start-up enterprise that is formed with the expectation and plan that a financial gain will result. Many refer to this type of business as a small business, since it normally starts out with an idea that begins with a small amount of capital or finances. Most business ventures are backed by one or more investors with the hope that the business will be profitable.

A business venture is a new business that is formed with a plan and expectation that will gain financial profit. Often, this kind of business is referred to as a small business, as it typically begins with a small amount of financial resources. When there is a need for a service or product that is lacking in the market, a business venture is usually formed. You can also try to get some investors related to your business which will help you to grow and make a steady ground for your business.

Posted : 18/11/2021 12:14 pm
New Member

The business venture definition is a new business that is formed with a plan and expectation that financial gain will follow.

Posted : 21/11/2021 12:03 pm
New Member

The key to creating and starting the new business venture successfully is to look at the window of market opportunity, create and fit the new business strategy, and then measure the appropriate risk, considering whether or not the opportunity fits personal goals and needs. Assessing viability requires analyzing a venture’s ability to not only profitably win customers, employees, and resources, but also to secure financing. This unit discusses legal issues entrepreneurs face and creating the business and marketing plans. Subsequent units cover financing issues and managing rapid growth.

Posted : 11/02/2022 4:02 pm
New Member

Business venture

This is basically, a business idea that is formed with planned strategy to gain financial profits. This kind of business can be referred as small (new) business as they start up with small amount of investment and a formidable commitment to gain financial benefits in near future. After COVID-19 pandemic every small business own is moving over the internet to increase it's audience reach. For a referance you can checkout this video that will show you what future holds for ecommerce business.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Anonymous
Posted : 17/02/2022 7:34 am