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The Best Questions to Jump-start Any B2B Marketing Project

New Member

Here's a list of questions that'll yield the insights you need to succeed.

  1. What’s the #1 aim of this project—the action you want MOST from this marketing effort?
  2. Who is your current target audience?
  3. Who is your ideal customer of the future?
  4. What are the primary problems and challenges your prospects come to you to solve?
  5. What is your core offer?
  6. What makes you THE choice in your niche? How is your business special?
  7. Who are the competitors you want to outperform?
  8. Beyond direct business competitors, what other alternatives to buying your product/service are your prospects considering?
  9. What are the primary emotional benefits that resonate with your customers?
  10. What are the very best examples of your product/service making your customers happy?
Topic starter Posted : 21/08/2022 12:49 pm
New Member


Posted : 26/08/2022 9:11 am
New Member

Jumpstart B2B Marketing Plan with Critical Questions:

Do you know who your best clients are?
What are you doing to keep your clients?
Do you have a comprehensive content marketing strategy and plan?
Do you know which marketing noise to block out and which noise to pay attention to?
Do you know what you want to measure and how you’re going to measure it?

This post was modified 2 years ago by Anonymous
Posted : 30/10/2022 1:18 pm