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Import Export Business – What To Avoid

New Member

It is pretty surprising how many people make the same mistakes over and over again in some business endeavors. Moreover, despite the fact that these mistakes have happened in the past to many other persons, some business neophytes still commit the same mistakes. It is therefore very important to know the most common mistakes that most businessmen commit and how to avoid them. In other words, if there are things that you should know and do in starting up a business, there are also some things that you should avoid.
Avoid unknown companies:
You may be offered very enticing offers by some companies from time to time. Business owners should have some level of caution when they do business with companies they know very little about. Some fraudulent companies will provide you with contact information but often this will be false.
You should visit business premises of the company that you are doing business with. Check that the company gives you not only a mobile number but a landline one too. Fraudulent companies may only provide a mobile number so it’s important for you to have relevant contact information.
Avoid unlicensed companies:
Whether you do business nationally or internationally, you need to ensure that the business that you are working with has a license. In most countries a business will need to have a license and will have a registration number. If the company you want to work with does not provide a registration number you should opt to not working with them.
Avoid low prices:
While it’s nice to get good deals you should be cautious if you receive ridiculously low prices. Most legitimate businesses will try and give a reasonable price fraudulent companies will try and entice with incredibly low prices. When prices are too low you should do some investigation as to why they are so more

Topic starter Posted : 02/04/2011 9:02 am