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Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

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New Member

Hello Friends

Hiring the right employee is a challenging process. Hiring the wrong employee is expensive, costly to your work environment, and time consuming. Hiring the right employee, on the other hand, pays you back in employee productivity, a successful employment relationship, and a positive impact on your total work environment.Hiring the right employee enhances your work culture and pays you back a thousand times over in high employee morale, positive forward thinking planning, and accomplishing challenging goals. This is not a comprehensive guide to hiring an employee. But, these are key steps to hiring the right employee.
* Define the Job Before Hiring an Employee
* Plan Your Employee Recruiting
* StrategyUse a Checklist for Hiring an Employee
* Recruit the Right Candidates When Hiring an Employee
* Review Credentials and Applications Carefully
* Prescreen Your Candidates

Have a nice day

Topic starter Posted : 18/02/2010 7:52 am
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??


1. Determine what type of manager you are. Be honest about your work and management styles. If you say you want an independent thinker, but end up checking up on him or her constantly, you may end up with an unhappy helper. On the other hand, if you hire someone who needs lots of feedback, make sure to provide it.

2. Plan ahead. If you expect to hire someone by the middle of next month, you may be setting yourself up for failure. Finding the right person takes time. Plan to advertise, interview, and train until you find someone who is a great fit. And never pass up a great hire. If you find the right person, hire him or her right away.

3. Make sure your employee is covered. Ask your insurance carrier about your responsibility for insuring your team members.

4. Determine your time-off policy. Just like you, your team members will need time off, whether to recover from the flu or just to recharge. How will you handle these absences?

5. Create disciplinary and review processes. Eventually you will need to mete out consequences for poor performance or chronic absenteeism, or reward people for exemplary performance. The trick is having these policies in place before you need to use them.


Posted : 18/02/2010 9:17 am
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

Hello Friends,
As a successful small business owner, you're accustomed to working long hours and on holidays and weekends. When was the last time you went to your dentist? When was the last time you had an uninterrupted night out with your partner?Regardless of how you would choose to spend it, hiring help can net you some much-needed - and hard-earned - free time. Here are some tips to staff up your company. In addition, make sure to read the step by step guide to hiring a employee.
1.Create a training program.
2.Create an Applicant Fact Sheet.
3. Create disciplinary and review processes.
4. Plan ahead.
5.Hire experienced people who are motivated to learn.

Posted : 22/02/2010 11:04 am
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

The team first defined the qualities, characteristics and basic aptitude they wanted to find in a potential remanufacturing employee. They wanted to find people who shared these characteristics:

* Excellent Attendance and Dependability

* Flexibility

* Integrity and Honesty

* Motivated and Dedicated

* Detail-Orientated

* Team-Orientated

* Strong Work Ethic

* Positive, Polite, and Approachable

* Continuous Improvement Orientated

* Good Communication Skills

* Actual Hands-On Demonstration of Capability to Sort Phones and Identify Cosmetic Problems With Phones

Posted : 22/02/2010 12:43 pm
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

Thank you for sharing such useful information.

Have a nice day

Posted : 23/02/2010 5:00 am
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

All this information that you all provided are really helpful. Since my brother is currently engaged with employee training program, this will be another helpful tips for him. Thanks.

Posted : 19/07/2011 12:35 pm
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

The tip given by every one in this post are very informative. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Posted : 19/07/2011 12:41 pm
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

There are many key factors to hire an emplyee.But three basic things should check first for hiring the Right Employee

1. Industrial Experience

If the emplyee, you are going to hire, has previous industrial experience it will reduce the cost behind that employee. And it also time saving method.

2. Transferable skills

When reviewing the resumes keep in mind the basic transferable skills like service,problem solving, sales etc.Resumes containing these skills should consider first.

3. Accomplishments

When reading through resumes, look for applicants who write about their accomplishments. These are candidates who understand the bottom-line initiatives of an organization. A resume that mentions saving time, cutting costs, and solving customer disputes represents someone who can handle your problems as well.

Posted : 19/07/2011 1:58 pm
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

Employees are the base of the business. We can say, they are running our business. So choose right employees is very important because the growth of our business is in their hand. You have to check the experience, skills and his work for the company in the emloyees.

Posted : 28/07/2011 6:14 am
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

The building and construction authorities in Chicago want to have a greener way to continue their business. On June 6th 2001, a new energy code - Amendment of Title 18 f Municipal Code of Chicago Concerning Energy Efficient Requirements, was passed.

Posted : 29/07/2011 8:06 am
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??


I think its important to have right people in order to run your business successfully!

We offer a wide range of secretaries, legal secretaries and personal assistants.

Visit - Marie Bailey Recruitment and I would be more than happy to help.


Posted : 02/08/2011 12:09 pm
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

Now I find some good employee for my project.All this information that you all provided are really helpful. Since my cousin is currently engaged wth employee training program, this will be another helpful tips for him

Posted : 02/08/2011 2:59 pm
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

Following are the best tips to hiring a right employee

Plan Your Employee Recruiting Strategy
Use a Checklist for Hiring an Employee
Review Credentials and Applications Carefully
Prescreen Your Candidates
Ask the Right Job Interview Questions
Check Backgrounds and References When Hiring an Employee

Posted : 05/08/2011 6:10 am
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

The key to finding good entry level employees is a good interview person. Select an employee with the right skills (some training may be necessary) the right attitude about a job and willingness to learn. Tell them what you expect of them, give them guidance as necessary and then let them do their job.

A proper interview should reveal which candidate will be right for the position.

Posted : 05/08/2011 6:38 am
New Member

Re: Tips for Hiring the Right Employee??

The first roofing contractors association which was in Chicago dates back to 1870's. The great Chicago fire in 1871 caused disastrous effect to people and their homes. After the fire, there were huge demand for re - constructing roofs for houses and other business enterprises and weren't many genuine experts who could build roofs within short periods.

Posted : 07/08/2011 9:28 am
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