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HTML Tutorial

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HTML Tutorial

This tutorial will teach you HTML, which will also help you to make custom pages for websites. HTML is very easy to learn! 🙂

HTML Stands For

HyperText Markup Language

Okay, we will start with the basics...

In HTML there are two types of tags...

  • Opening Tag
  • Closing Tag May not be needed for every type of "Tag"

The words inside the tags are not case-sensitive...Example:

<HtMl> & <html> are the same thing!

Okay, now we will start with the basic tags i.e

  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underlined

Let's start with Bold..

The tag to make a text Bold is:

This text will be bolded

The OutCome of the above will be:

This text will be bolded

Remember to add a closing tag which is represented by ... without adding that
closing tag, the outcome won't be perfect!

Next comes Italics...

The tag to make a text Italic is:


The OutCome of the above will be:


Again, don't forget to add the closing tag!

Now Comes Underlined...

The tag to make a text Underlined is:


The OutCome of the above will be:


Another one which people don't use much is a "Strike Out"...

This time the tag is:

You're Out!

The OutCome of the above tag will be:

You're Out!

You can use several tags at the same time...


If I want a text bold + Italic...I will use

This text will be Bold + Italic

The OutCome of the above tag will be:

This text will be Bold + Italic

It doesn't make a difference if you switch the starting tags position...


If you use

Instead of as your "Starting Tag"

The above tags were basic "Text" Tags...

Okay, let's go on to the next step...If we want to align our text..


We will use:

This text will be centered

The OutCome of the above tag will be:

This text will be centered

So now you know how to make basic text effects and how to align texts...

If you want to test yourself out...Visit This Page.


Topic starter Posted : 10/03/2006 3:25 am
New Member

I think HTML is easiest computer language i've ever learned.
Your lesson is easy to understand. Thanks for your support.
Besides, i have another link that teaches you HTML:
Click Here

Posted : 11/03/2006 12:29 am
New Member

HTML is the bees knees!

This place is good for HTML tutorials as well:

Posted : 24/08/2006 9:10 am
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

A few additional articles can be found here. Intentionally kept easy and simple to be helpful for non IT people too.

Posted : 27/09/2006 11:24 am
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

HTML is very useful and important whenever we have to create the statics web pages.A web page is nothing more than a file, a HTML file to be exact. It's called HTML because web page documents have the file extension .html or .htm. HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. (If you are unclear about this file extension stuff, then you really are newbie!! Take a quick detour for a few ramblings on the subject).

Posted : 30/03/2010 4:46 am
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

You mansion here basics tag of HTML in easy and understandable formate . It's help for those who are stating to learn HTML ?Emma S i am not able to open above link forbidden error occurs .

Posted : 14/04/2010 7:12 am
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

HTML is basically the foundation language for web development..In learning HTML , you are better equipped to be able to change how your blog or website is presented. And doing this can help you stand out from the rest. Also, HTML is very easy to learn, and once you've learned it you don't need to keep relearning it (like many software products).

Posted : 13/05/2010 11:33 am
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

Html is a brick for this huge web world.I appreciate you for providing this basic and initiative information of html.This will help new comers for web designing.

Posted : 14/05/2010 7:48 am
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

Ohh wow....You completed 1 chapter in a single thread. Very nicely defined all those tags. Usually people think HTML is very easy language but I am not agree some of part is bit lengthy to understand.

Posted : 08/07/2010 1:15 pm
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

# First, it is a good idea to maintain order and structure in your HTML documents. By posting well arranged documents you will not only show others your mastery of HTML but will also make it considerably easier for yourself to keep an overview.
# Stick to the standards and validate your pages. This cannot be stressed enough: Always write clean XHTML, use a DTD and validate your pages on
# Give your page contents. Remember that HTML is a tool, which enables you to present information on the Internet, so make sure that there is information to present. Pretty pages may look nice but most people use the Internet to find information.
# Avoid overloading your pages with heavy images and other fancy stuff you have found on the Internet. It slows down the loading of the page and could be confusing for visitors. Pages that take more than 20 seconds to load can lose up to 50% of their visitors.
# Remember to add your website to search engines/directories so people other than your closest family can find and enjoy it. On the front page of all search engines, you will find a link to add new page

Posted : 14/07/2010 12:00 pm
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

Really good for beginners! but yeah w3schools is still the best for overall web-design

Posted : 22/07/2010 6:20 pm
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

The best place to get help about light programming is there.

Posted : 23/10/2010 3:29 pm
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

Here HTML page

Your Page Title

This area will contain everything that will be visible through a web browser, such as text and graphics. All of the information will be HTML coded.

For a complete list of HTML codes, tags and examples, see the HTML chart below.

Posted : 03/11/2010 6:33 am
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

Well,This HTML tutorial for beginners. You learn HTML from scratch - starting with the basics. HTML coding is actually quite easy this tutorial will show you you.There a lot of information in this tutorial, I recommend you take your time and cover a little each day.

Posted : 29/11/2010 8:50 am
New Member

Re: HTML Tutorial

HTML file is easy. To start writing HTML code, you only need two things: a simple text editor and the dedication to follow our tutorial! Notepad is a simple text editor, the basic code, you may be a reasonable number of its HTML.It is so use in our life.So we can play a perfect information about it and HTML is all the propel know about it, so we can use all of it. And all the they know about it.

Posted : 29/11/2010 7:29 pm
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