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What things needed to set up a small business?

New Member

A small office with just a few employees. All type of offices needs are similar in terms of equipment, but many decisions will come down to the specific needs and goals of your business. The basics things include desks, chairs, computers and peripherals, including monitors and printers. Research and careful shopping can help you to setup office in a budget.

Topic starter Posted : 18/01/2012 7:27 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

Do not quite understand what you say

Posted : 29/01/2012 4:42 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

I would suggest you start with a 'good idea' and work from home if possible. Offices cost a lot of money and should only be used if the business demnads it.

Posted : 30/01/2012 1:03 pm
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

I would like to say First make a plan than start with Home Only.


Posted : 31/01/2012 5:44 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

Things required are: property, cabin, crew(talented employees),peon,maid,water storage,coffee maker, furniture like drawers and desk, wash room, phone connection, electricity.

Posted : 31/01/2012 10:47 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

Use this checklist to develop a well-rounded yet streamlined list of what you need in your home office. Check the items you absolutely need, and circle the items you may eventually want to add to create a prioritized list of your home office essentials.

Posted : 10/04/2013 2:00 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

Backbone to any business is Great plan so one should plan the things before hand and then execute them in right way.....

Posted : 10/04/2013 3:13 pm
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

Above things matters lot for running or establishing new small business. Eventually, I would say that for starting any kind of business we should have proper knowledge about business, investment, effective planning ideas and networking or marketing helps to promote our business. So, this tips could be crucial things for establishing small business.

Posted : 29/04/2013 4:48 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

The main thing which you need to set up is the idea of the business you want to conduct.

Posted : 01/05/2013 8:37 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

A business plan is essential for any businesses.

Posted : 10/07/2013 2:28 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

Good post i am new here

Posted : 11/01/2014 8:58 am
New Member

Re: What things needed to set up a small business?

Proper knowledge of product, and product market demand, and comparator list and their information, some back up plan

Posted : 24/02/2014 11:46 am