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Tips to Take Proper Care of Mobile Phone Batteries

New Member


Mobile phone batteries, one of the important mobile phone accessories, are the most vital parts in any mobile phones. Without proper functioning of the mobile, the mobile would not function. So it is very necessary to know, understand as well as follow the precautions that are needed to keep the mobile batteries durable. Good mobile batteries would also enhance the life of the mobile to a great extent.

o Try to switch off the vibrate function in the phone and instead switch on only the ring tones, that also in a low volume. This will greatly save the power of the phone batteries.

o The back light of the phone makes the phone easier to read in bright light. This light also uses a lot of power. If you can turn off the backlight of the phone, the mobile batteries will live longer life. Even if you feel the need to use it, set an amount of time for the backlight to remain on. After that time, the light will go off automatically.

o Though technology has gifted many things in one single set of mobile, but it is always advisable to avoid some unnecessary features like the camera or a connection to the internet. Camera can drain away the battery power very quickly.

o Limit your talk time if you really want to save your phone batteries. Until and unless the talk time is reduced, you will not be able to save power consumed by the mobile batteries.

Keep sharing and reading

Topic starter Posted : 26/02/2010 11:08 am