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There some very basic steps you can take to keep yours mobile safe

New Member


1. Always keep your mobile free from dust. Try to use some covers to cover the mobile and protect it from dust. Dust is one of major enemies of a mobile.

2. Use only genuine charger as per specified by the mobile company to charge your mobile. It will help in properly charging your mobile plus it will boost the battery life of your mobile.

3. Avoid frequent charging of your mobile. Try to charge mobile only when it is required, that is when your mobile indicates that the battery is low.

4. Do not download software and g***s from unauthorized websites and unknown sources.

5. Try to have good anti-virus installed in your mobile (Symbian OS mobile).

6. Keep away your mobile from moisture and water because that could damage its sensitive circuits. If your mobile has fallen into water then immediately take out the battery from the mobile and take it nearest company service Centre.

Keep sharing and reading

Topic starter Posted : 26/02/2010 11:07 am