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Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

New Member

1.Do a little marketing each day. I know. Marketing isn't your "thing." Why would you want to do something each day? But the reality is successful businesses are built upon small marketing steps consistently done, not necessarily the big launch.

So what can you do today? Write your article for your newsletter? Contact a potential joint venture partner? Write a thank you note to someone who sent you a referral? Do something, even if it's only a 15-minute task, and you'll probably be amazed at how fast you'll start seeing results.

2. Systemic your marketing tasks. If you're like a lot of service professionals, when business is slow, you jump in feet first and do a whole bunch of marketing. Things pick up, you get busy, and the marketing stops. Eventually the work also stops because you stopped the marketing and you're sucked into the feast-famine vortex.

So, rather then repeat that cycle, why not do something a little different this time around? This time, while you're frantically marketing and looking under every stone for work, why don't you also systemic your marketing? Write down everything you do, so when you're busy, you can hand that list off to a virtual assistant who can keep your marketing going for you? Now maybe you won't eliminate that feast-or-famine cycle but you'll definitely soften it.

Topic starter Posted : 01/12/2009 5:49 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

That Greatest advise for you. It is the one We Look for.

We appreciate Your Advices.

Posted : 02/12/2009 2:49 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

marketing is the best way to increase the business but it requires a lot of patience

Posted : 06/12/2009 5:37 pm
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

Tips to increase your business

1.Identify your prospects. You can clearly create your internet marketing tactic more targeted if you know your market audience.

2.If you plan to drive traffic immediately, purchase paid traffic but first set your financial plan. If you are prepared to spend money for your promotion cost? How much can you afford?

3.Using free advertising methods. You can promote your business, products and services without spending a single cent but you will need to strategize and invest time and energy to reach your promotion goals.


Posted : 07/12/2009 10:21 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??


What free and paid advertising you consider Good?

Posted : 14/12/2009 8:23 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

I believe in simple sentence for my business.
"Minimize the cost & Maximize your profits".

Posted : 14/12/2009 3:04 pm
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

Hello Friends.....

A nice post. Thanks for sharing.Keep sharing more in the future.

Have a nice time ahead.


Posted : 15/12/2009 7:01 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

Hello Friends......

1. Focus On Marketing

There is no business without a marketing plan. Think about it, without advertisement, where would your business be? Just build up a thorough plan, that includes promotions, advertising, as well as making other new partners, and keep to it. The result will pay off your effort.

2. Be Hands On When Asking For A Sale

Being polite and mannered does not mean that you should not ask people for their business. Actually, this is all that is about. Dont do it in a way that will make you uncomfortable, but present your future partner the benefits they will get from buying from you. Be prepared for rejections, but dont focus only on them. Explain your business and stand up for it.


Posted : 21/01/2010 5:29 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

Goals To Increase Site Traffic.

Traffic is the driving source for your online business. Either its a product based site or purely a content based blog
, it needs traffic/visitors to alive. So the ultimate goal for your online business should be gaining traffic. Now how to set traffic goals ?

1. Analyzing the traffic sources. Go through the history and find out what are all the major sources of traffic that your site is currently receiving. This helps to understand your existing state.
2. Now there are two steps,
* Set goals to increase the traffic volume from existing sources.
* Set goals to find new traffic sources and to do the experimentation’s in future. For example, you may not have referring traffic from other sites, you could try to get a referring link from other related sites to increase your traffic volume.

Posted : 21/01/2010 2:35 pm
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

Following are ten simple ways you can market your business with little or no expense.

1. Get rich in a niche
If you already have contacts and inroads in a particular industry or with a particular group of people, focus your efforts in that niche. By specializing in a specific industry you can make the most of your marketing and maximize your effort.

2. Make every action serve more than one purpose.
If you are giving a speech or seminar, use your outline to develop an article that you can use as a special report or newspaper story. If you are writing a sales letter, extract the key points to use in a speech to your local networking group. Design your advertising in a way that will enable you to use the same basic ad in different formats and publications. This will allow you to make the most of everything you do.

3. Mine the gold already in your business
We tend to spend a lot of time chasing after new business while there are untapped opportunities within our existing customers. Learn to mine the gold you already have in your business. What other products or services could you offer your existing customers? How could you increase the frequency with which people buy from you or the amount of their purchases? You already have gold within your business just waiting to be mined.

Posted : 22/01/2010 2:25 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

Hello friends

Every business owner at particular point of time needs to set his goals. Business without goal is like ship with hole ! So I know you should not want your business to shrink and that’s why you come to this page. In general, business goals are classified into two categories based on the outcome of the results. Long Term Goals and Short Term Goals.
I am not going to tell any definition of long term or short term goals instead will see what are the major parameters that you should take care in setting the goals. Basically, this article helps on how to set your online business goals ? The growth and success of every online business can be easily measured by two factors: Traffic & Conversion. These are the two major factors at least the only parameters that you should focus in setting your online business goals.

Thanks for all friends .........

Posted : 24/01/2010 7:45 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

Here are four little known tips to help you increase your website traffic today:

1. Always keep your website up to date. This sounds like the type of thing you should be doing anyway yet many website owners neglect this important step. Research your niche and keep your website current with what's happening today. Remember to update it as things may change within the company or business and also to use RSS feeds or other content to add something new and fresh to the site regularly. This will help your search engine rankings as well.
2. Use the proper tools to save time

Are you still building your sites one page at a time? And when you need to change something you need to do it manually on each pages? I know, I was still doing that not long ago! This is hurting your business. By not using the proper tools, or the proper software to do some things, you are often loosing countless hours each months and this lost time could have been used to grow your business! Think about it : is there something you could improve today with the use of the proper tool?

3. Try something different

We often get comfortable with our site, and we stop testing new things. I hear you say "yes but I have a good conversion rate!" Great for you, but don't you think it could still get better? Yes it could. But the only way to find out is by testing new things. Make it a weekly task to try one new thing. At the end of the year, you will have done 52 tests on your site and? I'm sure you will have improved something!

4. Use and read your stats

I do SEO for a living, and one thing that never stops to amaze me is when people tell me they will hire me to optimize and promote their site but they can't ell me how many visitors they currently have! Statistics are one of your best friend online, and you must use them and read them at least once a month! I check them regularly and it helps me find new ways to work on my site. Try it, and you could find hidden gems that will increase your business profit.

Posted : 28/01/2010 11:24 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??


Wow... nice tips. Thanks for sharing this informative information.
Definitely i,ll be remember these tips. Please keep sharing more and more information...

Have a nice time ahead

Posted : 01/02/2010 4:24 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

1. Make a business plan.

2. Do What you Love

Posted : 01/02/2010 11:36 am
New Member

Re: Little Tips For Increase Your Business??

1. Focus On Marketing

There is no business without a marketing plan. Think about it, without advertisement, where would your business be? Just build up a thorough plan, that includes promotions, advertising, as well as making other new partners, and keep to it. The result will pay off your effort.

2. Be Hands On When Asking For A Sale

Being polite and mannered does not mean that you should not ask people for their business. Actually, this is all that is about. Dont do it in a way that will make you uncomfortable, but present your future partner the benefits they will get from buying from you. Be prepared for rejections, but dont focus only on them. Explain your business and stand up for it.

3. Add Value By Asking For Help

The ways business is done today may take us to places we have never been before. In such situations, one may feel insecure and, for real reasons, unprepared to face the new challenges. There is one way to do it properly, however: just go ahead and ask for professional help to get you through the issue, without you ending up hurting your business.

4. Keep Up With Old Friends

Dont ever forget about your old clients, which, in a way, are like old friends. It may sound easy to make new ones, but the old ones are your strong base. Reward them with loyalty plans and special offers, and show them that you need their business every once in awhile.

5. The Knowledge Of Cutting Costs

Not everything you spend on your business is of the utmost importance. It is much more important to see where costs can be adjusted. Dont hesitate to do that, it will save you money!

Posted : 01/02/2010 11:39 am