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What are the problems with window vista??

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New Member

Hello to all

There are some problems with window vista which are
Application Compatibility
Driver Problems
I want to share some other points with you all
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Have a nice day

Topic starter Posted : 02/11/2009 9:08 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

Hello to all

1.The Control Panel is hard to navigate. It is, in its default view mode. The “Control Panel Home” function is just annoying; you don’t know where any one feature is going to be. Everything has a name or heading and under that you will find the various functions.
2.The buried display settings problem. Burying and hiding settings from users is not a good thing .
3.There is no more BOOT.INI file available.This file was used to change your boot if you had multiple operating systems installed. Vista has something called BCEDIT which is not user friendly.

Thanks for sharing and reading
Have a nice day

Posted : 11/11/2009 2:36 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

Hello to all

Thanks for sharing such useful information with all. Please keep sharing more and more.

Have e great day

Posted : 17/11/2009 3:18 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

colin;42287 wrote: Hello to all

1.The Control Panel is hard to navigate. It is, in its default view mode. The “Control Panel Home” function is just annoying; you don’t know where any one feature is going to be. Everything has a name or heading and under that you will find the various functions.
2.The buried display settings problem. Burying and hiding settings from users is not a good thing .
3.There is no more BOOT.INI file available.This file was used to change your boot if you had multiple operating systems installed. Vista has something called BCEDIT which is not user friendly.

You can change the boot order from the same old place - Advanced System Properties.

Disply settings are not buried, they are under the Personalize settings, as they should be since each user login can have his/her own display settings.

The Control Panel can be displayed in a couple of different ways. I wouldn't call the ability to make that choice a "problem."

Posted : 17/11/2009 8:23 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

arren;42045 wrote: Hello to all

There are some problems with window vista which are
Application Compatibility
Driver Problems
I want to share some other points with you all
Please share more and more

Have a nice day

These are not vista problems. Applications and drivers are created by 3rd parties to the specifications of the OS, not the other way around. Don't buy hardware or software that is not made for Vista and you won't have that problem.

Posted : 17/11/2009 8:26 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

Well, yeah I faced some problems with Vista too. First, the bootable CD for Windows Vista is not easily available. The drivers are not available too. Then there are redundant security features which make the OS non user-friendly.
I prefer using Windows XP over Vista

Posted : 20/11/2009 9:40 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

For many computer users, Windows XP works just fine. It's familiar, it's what they know, it's not a problem waiting to be solved. Some can barely use Windows XP and may not have the ability to adapt to anything new. Technical change is fun and easy for techies, but the same change is hard and/or distracting for others. I deal with many non-techies with jobs in other fields who could care less about operating systems. Their computer is a tool to get their work done and any change is a nuisance--perhaps one they don't have time for.

The keyboard on your computer uses a layout that was chosen for reasons that no longer apply. Yet, who knows how many better layouts have failed to take off because they couldn't overcome the hassle involved in changing. Once someone learns to type on an existing keyboard, the benefit has to be huge to switch to a new layout.

Against this background, Vista has to be better than Windows XP. Much better. Noticeably better.
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Posted : 07/01/2010 8:43 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

I used XP for several years but I have moved on to Vista Home premium because it was installed on a laptop I recently bought. With my configuration and hardware Vista works great, absolutely 0 problems so far, although I did have to upgrade my Nero software. It boots up faster shuts down quicker and over all I like it better then XP, I wouldn't go back and guess what? If you buy a new computer, unless its one of those net books you will get to know and like Vista too.
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Posted : 20/01/2010 10:40 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

The New York Times published an article on Friday about Windows Vista that included this: "The main problem with Vista, Microsoft said, was that given the delays, uncertainty and significant changes in the software, the rest of the industry was not ready when Vista finally arrived."

This is, of course, self-serving; companies rarely admit their mistakes. How convenient that the fault lies with the "rest of the industry."

In fact, Microsoft released Vista prematurely. One can only assume that there was pent-up pressure stemming from the delay in getting it out the door. But few Windows users care about the delay. What made an impression, to the non-techies of the world, were the initial problems people had using it.

In the quote above Microsoft was referring to the lack of hardware drivers. They have to shoulder some of the blame for this, both in terms of not working sufficiently with hardware vendors and for releasing Vista knowing full well that driver problems awaited early adopters. Then too, they signed off on calling under-powered computers "Vista capable".

On top of this, Vista wasn't fully baked when it was released. The huge number of articles that suggested waiting for the first service pack is a testament to that.

In fairness, the same can be said of Apple. Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) too, was far from fully baked when it was released. In this regard at least, Linux shines. There is no marketing department or sales department at Linux headquarters pushing the operating system out the door before the programmers say it's ready. In fact, there are no Linux headquarters at all.

Posted : 13/02/2010 11:31 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

"The main problem with Vista, Microsoft said, was that given the delays, uncertainty and significant changes in the software, the rest of the industry was not ready when Vista finally arrived."

Er, yeah. Ok.

Vista is bloatware, plain and simple. It's inferior across the board to it's predecessor, Windows XP, and substituted a superfluous gui and various other eye candy for functionality. The fact that Microsoft released Windows7 so soon after Vista is rather damning evidence that Vista was inferior and loaded with issues (drivers and application compatibility being the two biggies).

OSX and Linux are far better choices. As mentioned in the post below, osx10.5, Leopard, was rushed but it must be said it was nowhere near the rush job that Vista was. Leopard's update, osx 10.6 Snow Leopard, has improved and corrected any of the minor issues of 10.5 Leopard Performance, efficiency and decreasing its memory footprint instead of new end-user features or any major changes to the gui.

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Posted : 18/02/2010 6:08 pm
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

CDs and DVDs (photos) burned on a vista box are unreadable on a MacIntosh, i.e. they will not mount! some are (partially) recoverable with a file salvage app, but original file names are lost. I am the Mac user (thank God) and I am speaking of CDs/DVDs burned by three separate (unfortunate) vista users. It matters to me because I can't see their photos and it matters to them because it has finally destroyed their (misplaced) faith in Microsoft. It is also embarrassing for them. Emailing thousands of large jpg files is not an option. CDs and DVDs burned on XP (or earlier) are all fine.

MacIntoshes have always been able to open PC disks (until Vista) but never the other way around. This PC chauvinism is curious and stupid.

I live in the Seattle area and know, through multiple sources, that Microsoft never beta tests anything, but rather inflicts that on the public. Each new OS is huger and slower. I also know that their corporate culture rewards mismanagement, incompetence, ignorance and back-stabbing mendacity. I like Bill, and don't want to believe he would approve of what his company has become, but I could be wrong. Anyway, his charities absolve him of sin in my book. Still, a thorough house cleaning would make Microsoft better and more profitable. They could easily fire most middle management. Their customers should be happy, not beset by a never ending assault of viruses, spyware, patches and things that crash.

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Posted : 20/02/2010 9:33 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

Microsoft windows vista has included new aero cursors that is not turned on by default. To troubleshooting this in vista.Follow the steps below.
:Right click on your desktop and select personalize.Click on the mouse cursors item to select a vista graphics different mouse cursor scheme.Change the scheme from none to Windows vista Aero.Click ok to see the new aero mouse cursors.

Kill Security center notification problem in Windows Vista Basic
Vista Troubleshooting tips 2:
Windows vista security center remind you all the time about anti virus. New easy way to disable the security center messages.Click on the Security Center/Windows Security Alerts logo in the system tray.Click change the way Security Center alerts me.Select I do not want notification messages from Security Center.

Use small icons size tip for Windows vista
Windows Vista Troubleshooting Tips large icon
The Windows vista icon size of the recently run programs list on the Start Menu is set to large by default. This is great if you like the large icons but it also cuts down on the number of recently run programs that can be displayed. Follow the steps below to give your Start Menu a cleaner look.

Posted : 29/03/2010 11:27 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

The most great problem of Vista is, which is its also big problem is,IT IS MUCH HEAVY THEN OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM and also VERY COMPLICATED.

Posted : 30/05/2010 5:21 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

Hello to all
Yes, I am facing problems with vista. There are drivers problems in vista. I prefer windows xp.

Posted : 18/06/2010 11:50 am
New Member

Re: What are the problems with window vista??

n the last few weeks we ran a poll on our site, asking our readers to point out what is Windows Vista's biggest problem. Due to the fact that our site does not have high traffic we managed the gather only 534 votes. However the results are pretty conclusive.
Our readers pointed out that, after approximately 6 months, Windows Vista has two main problems: the lack of proper drivers (36% of votes) and lots of application compatibility issues (36% of votes).

We have been using Windows Vista since it was launched and, based on our experience, we agree with our readers.In the quote above Microsoft was referring to the lack of hardware drivers. They have to shoulder some of the blame for this, both in terms of not working sufficiently with hardware vendors and for releasing Vista knowing full well that driver problems awaited early adopters. Then too, they signed off on calling under-powered computers "Vista capable".

On top of this, Vista wasn't fully baked when it was released. The huge number of articles that suggested waiting for the first service pack is a testament to that.

In fairness, the same can be said of Apple. Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) too, was far from fully baked when it was released. In this regard at least, Linux shines. There is no marketing department or sales department at Linux headquarters pushing the operating system out the door before the programmers say it's ready. In fact, there are no Linux headquarters at all.

Posted : 28/07/2010 3:19 pm
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